Almost Spring
Date published
09 February 2021
Hi, hope everyone is doing okay?
Well, we are another month closer to spring and hopefully much better weather. We are still on general lockdown all over the UK. We are all eagerly awaiting a further announcement tomorrow regarding school and education. Well done, to all those managing to home educate during this pandemic.
I find it extremely difficult to teach Julian at home. He does not understand what is going on and because of his additional needs, routine is very important. He is unable to engage in the blended learning supplied by his school.
Calon Cymru have supported us in making the decisions we have had to make regarding the ‘hwb’ that he is able to attend. His school have been amazing, he is able to access the school 3 times a week.
I am privileged to know a young man, Gareth Reynolds (Atlantic Dragon) that has just rowed the Atlantic single handed, 3000 miles. He did it in 51 days, what an achievement! He was endeavouring to raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society, Calon Cymru very kindly sponsored him. They gave him merchandise to wear during his row and had a Calon Cymru sticker on his boat “Joshua’.
We are quickly approaching February Half Term. I am a play coordinator for the local authority and provide a play scheme for children with additional needs in the area I live. We are fully booked for the week. Hopefully, this is a small indication on how things are slowly returning to the new ‘normal’. I am very fortunate to have been offered the vaccine in my job role but am pleased to say that it has been offered to Calon Cymru foster carers in our local area too. I am optimistic that March 2021 will be a new beginning, rather than the pandemic announcement in March 2020.
Remain positive guys, we are nearly there!
Daisy Doo and Julian too xxx
Fostering stories
09 February 2021
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