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Calon Cymru recommends... ways to keep fit on National Fitness Day

National Fitness Day (800 X 600 Px)

National Fitness Day encourages the nation to celebrate the fun of fitness and physical activity. This year, it’s taking place across the UK on Wednesday 20th September.

The NHS recommends we do at least 150 minutes of exercise every week. There are countless benefits of exercising and keeping fit, including improved physical and mental health. Whether you're a regular gym-goer or just starting out, today is the perfect day to make a commitment to your health and well-being. Here are some exercises to get those endorphins pumping!


Join a sports team

For children, being part of a team can teach sportsmanship and the value of working together to achieve the same goal. For adults, joining a team can be a great way to meet like-minded people and give a sense of belonging and purpose. Most sports governing bodies will have a club locator on their website, which is a great way to find your local team.


Sign up for the gym

There are many benefits to gym membership, from gaining access to more fitness equipment and machines to receiving guidance from specially trained staff. Many gyms also offer group fitness classes for both adults and children! This is a perfect way to keep little ones occupied whilst you work on achieving your personal goals.


Do an at home workout

If you don’t feel ready to take the plunge and commit to joining a sports team or the gym then why not try some workouts at home? You could create your own circuits or try some online workout videos. YouTube is a great place to find adult and child-friendly workouts. This is a great way to get fit whilst giving you the opportunity to build core memories with your birth or foster children.


Get outside

Autumn is a beautiful time to go outside, and we are blessed with beautiful landscapes across all of Wales. Going for a walk is a great low-impact activity for all the family. You could even have family competitions such as who can collect the most acorns, or how many varieties of wildlife you can spot, all whilst enjoying the fresh air and taking in the colour-changing scenery.


Download some new apps on your phone

There are many downloadable phone apps aimed at giving inspiration and ideas to get fit. Two of our favourite apps are from the NHS. Active 10 tracks the pace of your walking and allows you to look back at your activity the previous 12 months so that you can see how far you’ve come. Our other favourite app is Couch to 5k. It is a beginner-friendly plan, which involves three walks/runs per week with the aim that at the end of 9 weeks, you will be able to complete 5km!


Make small changes

Small changes to your day-to-day life can also increase your fitness. Start by taking the stairs instead of a lift or escalator, you could also park the car a little bit further away from the store entrance when you go to do the weekly shop. Or when it’s possible, stand instead of sit. Standing is proven to reduce the risk of weight gain, obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes!







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Date published

20 September 2023

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