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Meet the team - Rebecca Bevan, Supervising Social Worker

Meet The Team Rebecca

Meet Supervising Social Worker, Rebecca Bevan

Since 2022 Rebecca has been supporting Calon Cymru foster carers and her background means that she has years of experience caring for people who needed support from others. Seeing the difference foster carers within her family have made inspired her to make her career in the foster care industry. 

We spoke to Rebecca to learn some more about her life and career.

Which office do you work for?

I work in the Cardiff office and actually did my placement for university as part of the team there.

When did you start working for Calon Cymru?

I have been working for Calon Cymru since 2022.

What made you want to work in foster care?

My motivation to promote change and support children who need the support the most was the reason I wanted to work in foster care. Being a mum of two seeing them grow and flourish, also encouraged me to want to help give that to children who haven’t had a great start to their childhood.

I have come from a background of family members who have been foster carers and seeing the troubles children have faced, and also personal experience of family members with additional needs who require additional support, I knew that is who I wanted to be, the one who helped support and make a change.

What do you do at Calon?

I am a Supervising Social Worker and I work directly with foster carers and the children placed. I visit the carers' home regularly, providing support where needed, identifying areas of development, and ensuring the home and carers are suitable to provide a home for children who are looked after.

I also have direct contact with any child placed within the home, visiting, checking in and ensuring their needs are being met. I ensure children who need a placement are a suitable match for individual carers by looking at skills, type of home, and what is needed for the child being placed.

What part of your job do you like best?

I love seeing the progress children make, I love spending time with the children gaining their views in a way they enjoy, not making them feel uncomfortable. I’ve done this whilst skating down the beach and even whilst jumping on the trampoline, it's all about the children. This allows me to make any changes and put in support or training for carers' development if identified and allowing the foster carers to grow as professionals. 

Tell us something people might not know about you

I have been and hoping to return back to boxing, I have fought and won a fight. I have also passed this passion on to my daughter, who now loves the sport.

Why would you recommend working with Calon Cymru Fostering?

Calon Cymru is like a second family to me. I joined the agency for my last placement whilst studying for my social work degree and never wanted to leave. I have felt extremely supported being newly qualified and haven’t looked back since.

We have a team of experienced social workers and professionals who are all willing to provide support as well as hugs and laughter where needed. The agency is built around supporting their foster carers and meeting the children’s needs above all, alongside supporting their staff.

If you could give advice to someone interested in becoming a foster carer, what would it be?

Fostering is one of the most rewarding roles out there, there is no harm in gaining further information to see if this is right for you.


Fostering insights


  • Social Worker
  • Social

Date published

23 July 2024

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